Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Let me just say that I did not take the decision to start blogging lightly. I pondered over and prayed about the idea for almost one year. I woke up on the morning of Friday, June 19, 2009 with it on my mind and it consumed my thoughts all day long. So, I did what I had to do: I went shopping.

At some point during the morning I kind of subconsciously made my decision. It was quick and painless. I felt like a kid on Christmas Eve who thinks Christmas Day will never come. I was so excited and knew this kind of excitement could only mean one thing : I had made the right decision. So during my shopping trip I purchased a “how to book”, Blogging for Dummies. OH YES I DID!

Blogging 101: To get started you will need a computer. Now I felt like the kid who wakes up thinking it is Saturday only to have his mother come in his room and tell him to get out of bed and hustle before he misses the bus. I did not have a personal computer. How can I blog without my own computer? I needed to purchase one. So again while out shopping, I priced laptops. Even though the prices have dropped tremendously over the past few years, I still could not figure out how to fit one into our budget short of feeding my family ramen noodles three times a day for the next month and half.

I told God right there in the electronics’ department that if He wanted me to do this then He was just going to have to provide me with this pricey little techno-tool.

Late that afternoon , my husband called on his way home from his two hour commute from work with the news that he had just been given a raise. And a bonus! He was oblivious at this point as to anything that had been going on in my day. I purchased the laptop before the weekend was over and before lightning had a chance to strike.

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