And it came to pass:
-The period of rebellion
-The doubts and fears she experienced about her salvation
-Completion of high school and a huge celebration with family
and friends
-A graduation gift: something she wanted and had dreamed of
for several years: minor cosmetic surgery
-College enrollment
-The first time to drive her new car
-Acquiring her first part time job
I settled into a front row seat, excited about everything good and wonderful that lay ahead of her, not wanting to miss seeing one moment of it.
And then things went terribly wrong, and I went numb.
She became distant. She removed herself from us physically, as well as, emotionally. She became moody, argumentative, and despondent. Her entire personality changed.
In a previous post, I stated that I experienced shock, not once but twice, but I am not so sure I can describe the feelings this time around as shock. I think they were more on the lines of disbelief, a denial of sense. This cannot be happening!
I tried to tell myself that it was all nonsense. I thought I could fix it, and somehow make it all go away, one way or the other. I tried to retrace my steps, by taking her to counseling, but to no avail. This time she had a nineteen year old heart and a nineteen year old mind to “follow the crowd” and not a thirteen year old one, making it tremendously more complicated and difficult. I remember feeling defeated, not sure I had the endurance or strength to do it all.
I knew I could no longer be a spectator in her life, but a participant, trying to figure out how to save my daughter
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