Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Sunday morning, the pastor’s message was centered on Jesus feeding the multitudes, the story found in the book of Mark. It was a thought provoking message and he concluded the service by giving us 3 challenges for the week:

-To spend time alone with God
-To look for Him every day
-And to not worry or fret over the things we have yet to obtain

I later studied the scriptures further and found that in Mark chapter 6 where Jesus feeds the five thousand, the disciples wanted to go shopping. “Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat?” (Mark 6: 37b) In Mark chapter 8 where Jesus feeds the four thousand, the disciples once again question whether or not either the bread itself or the amount available would be enough to satisfy. “From whence (where) can a man satisfy these men with bread here in the wilderness?” (Mark 8:4) In both incidences, the disciples did not grasp what Jesus could do. (Not to mention that they obviously did not learn a lesson the first time around) There was THE PROVIDER standing in their presence, and still they could not see that what they already had was sufficient. They wanted more.

I realize just how many times I mimic the disciples’ behavior by focusing on what I do not have rather than on what I already have, not trusting God to satisfy and provide. It prompted me to take an inventory of the many ways that God has blessed me; reasons to be both thankful and satisfied. Here are just a few:

1. Driving to work today, I did not start out as I usually do by listening to my favorite Christian radio station. The CD that I had inserted the day before began playing. As soon as I had driven about three quarters of a mile, I heard God speaking to me: “Lynn, turn the radio on. I want to sing to you this morning. You can listen to the CD another time.” I did and He did. I cried myself to work as He serenaded me with love songs. I am THANKFUL that he is a tender God and gives me personalized care.

2. My husband called shortly after I got to work and shared with me the opportunity that he was given to witness to an employee, an individual who has made many wrong decisions and mistakes in their life. My husband has a unique gift of compassion for the down-trodden (those who would be snubbed and ridiculed by most) and has proven it over and over again. This is one of the many reasons that I am proud of and THANKFUL for him.

3. I am THANKFUL for the roof over my head and that my husband is a hard worker and has a job to pay for the roof and everything under it. With the shape of the economy right now, I am grateful that my house note is affordable and the threat of foreclosure is not looming over me every month.

4. I read a blog today. It was created by two parents for the sole purpose of updating family; friends; and anyone who would pray with them on the condition of their precious little girl. It also became an avenue to ask for specific prayer requests. There are hospitals all over the place filled with very sick children just like theirs who have lost their innocence and have been forced to learn about grown up things too quickly with little time or energy left to laugh, dream, play, plan, or imagine; as well as, distraught parents who feel helpless and afraid. I AM truly THANKFUL that my children were blessed with a healthy childhood.

5. There are also many homes filled with single parents doing the best they can to provided financially for their family while trying to be both mom and dad, and unlike my husband and myself, my children did not have to endure the divorcing of parents, and everything that goes along with it - before, during and after. And for this I am also THANKFUL.

6. I am THANKFUL; however, for my step parents. They have become an elaborate part of my life.

7. I am THANKFUL for everyone, including my parents and step-parents for comforting, encouraging, and lifting me up during this journey with my daughter. I would not have wanted to travel this road alone. I never feel alone.

8. At the beginning of this journey, I wanted to run and hide from it all. I am THANKFUL I did not dig the hole I wanted to dig, crawl in it, and cover myself up with sorrow, anger, bitterness, denial, embarrassment, and so much more that would have buried me and robbed me of the chance to see God face to face.

9. I am THANKFUL that He will be victorious and the victory Satan is enjoying through the destruction and chaos of another life is so very temporary.

10. And on a lighter note, I am THANKFUL for many simple things in my life. Here are some of the things I love: Antiques; coffee; pralines; autumn weather; weekends in New Orleans; T.J. Maxx; Whole Foods Supermarket (especially the pastry department, especially the pastry department when Steven Segall is standing in it);blogging; lavender scented soap; Christian fiction romance and mystery novels; contemporary Christian music; old movies; eating out; the Smokey Mountains and Dolly Parton's rags to riches story; chocolate; candles; amusement parks; Christmas; my ornament collection; giving an unexpected gift throughout the year (to my children especially); receiving unexpected gifts; a good and simple recipe; blue and white porcelain; purses; the silly nicknames we have for our pets; a storm (when I do not have to be out in it); re-arranging furniture and re-decorating; vacations; romantic comedies; and finally realizing that there are way too many things that I love and that make me happy to be able to list them all.

What are some things you have to be THANKFUL for?

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